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Get Out… and Vote!


We have all heard political advertisements on the radio while driving or on the television, particularly in the “highly contested races.” Up in New York, there are many races gaining national attention. It has come to the point where mudslinging is more common than ever. Involvement by both the common citizen and politicians alike has greatly increased over the past months. “Broken promises” or “A.D. the Voice” are some of the common forms of mudslinging we have heard. Politicians are getting more and more desperate by the second. At this point, they will say anything to either get elected, re-elected, or unseat the other candidate.

With the never-ending statements from politicians across the spectrum, whether they are true or not, people need to take the time to cast their vote for the right person. How does one know who to vote for? Look at your officials’ previous voting records and statements. Do your homework; it’s everybody’s civic duty as American citizens. Go to rallies and get to know your elected officials. Throughout modern history, the gap between the politician and the ordinary citizen has widened.

This is the root of all the problems in American politics. This gap gives the politician more room to benefit him/herself rather than the ordinary citizen. Think of it like a supervisor and a worker, if communication cannot flow upward from the worker to the supervisor, the whole operation goes downhill. This is the same scenario we all encounter in American politics today. Your vote, whether it is for a Republican, Democrat, or a third party, is your only voice.

As history shows us, elected officials keep the vote in mind, not the voter. The number one goal of a politician has always been to get elected or re-elected. However, we the people have the power to change this goal. This will have to be a team effort, with nobody slacking off. All eligible voters should go to the polls today and tell their elected official to work hard or get out, all with the cast of a vote.

With flexible hours and many modes of transportation to get to the polls, there is no excuse not to vote. Even with extreme circumstances, there is always the absentee ballot. Unfortunately, in the United States, our voter turnout was only 60% for the 2016 election. Here in New York State, cut that number in half. That’s the percentage of people that voted in the last gubernatorial election.

All United States citizens have the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment. Americans have been more vocal about politics after President Trump’s inauguration overall. But, are the Americans who don’t vote utilizing the First Amendment to its fullest extent? The answer is simple: no. Modern politics turns away from the cries of those who want change. The only way to communicate with your elected official, and get a response, is to check off a box on your ballot.

Looking back, if more Americans voted in 2016, Hillary Clinton could have been our 45th President, like it or not. Often, people get too comfortable and say, “My guy has plenty of votes, I’ll just stay home. It’s not worth it to drive to the polls.” Wrong! Every votes counts. You never know, your vote could be the tie-breaker between a corrupt incumbent and a motivated political activist who would bring change. Please, if you must drive, walk, take a bus, crawl, it doesn’t matter - get to the polls and vote. Make your voice heard. This could be the most important election of our lives!


The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Liberty Den University or its members.

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